Saturday, January 12, 2008

Protect the attacker

I feel so very let down. Do these people in charge of whatever, however wrongs are prosecuted have so little disregard for victims that they treat us with something less than courtesy?? Or is it simply that our so called "civil rights" or our "right to privacy" has become so warped that the attacker is given more rights, privileges and honor than the victims.

I've learned that if I were to be granted a permanent restraining order against my stalker that I would keep the courts advised of my residence and my place of work. They would in turn keep my stalker informed of this information. However, I would not be advised in any way, shape or form of his information!!! I can't even know what county he resides in. When I asked, I was advised, "Oh, we can't give out that kind of information." He can continue to attack me and I can't find out what area he lives in so I can avoid it and hopefully increase my safety!!! I am stupefied...........The message this sends is that the courts will keep my attacker informed of my every move but I can't even know his whereabouts.....unbelievable.

Just before stalker-man's call on Dec. 22nd, I was interested in a job on the island. I thought at that time he had moved back to McIntosh County. Then he called with a island payphone number. I wanted to know if he was living there still or again. They couldn't/wouldn't give me this info. Look folks, I don't want to take a job there if he lives there. Hello - it's an island!! One way on, one way off...........Why would I want to work right inside the lion's den!!!! Give me the information to at least keep myself safe. Needless to say, I withdrew my resume for that position.

This whole thing gets more absurd as it goes on. I am the one being stalked but yet, I am the one making all the adjustments to my life. He's out foot loose and fancy free and protected by the courts.

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